Camera Test

I received the Minolta from a friend. At a first glance in very good condition and in general I am satisfied with the results. I could not activate the light meter though as I could not find a replacement for the needed mercury batteries. So I will use this camera just in mechanical/manual modus. Fomapan 200 stand developed in Rodinal 1+100 for 1 hour.

2 Commenti

  1. guja
    guja ·

    Love this light painting in the forest. Try to capture these situations again and again, what looks so simple is not that easy. Great photo!!

  2. rolfmg
    rolfmg ·

    @guja Many thanks - also one of my favourites of this album. I am happy that it came out like this despite the non functioning light meter (perhaps because of it). Here I used a yellow filter though.

Altre foto di rolfmg