This one exposed wierd and has a glitch on the shot.

I found this pack of FP-3000B in my piles of cameras and bits while organizing the office. So, I thought I'd pop it into a camera. Problem was, only working peel apart land camera I could find was a Colorpack with a sticky shutter or a 320 with a broken rangefinder. I chose the latter.

3 Commenti

  1. streuobst
    streuobst ·

    somehow this pictures reminds me on the 50s Horror movies liek Tarantula

  2. schugger
    schugger ·

    looool - I had a similar idea @streuobst just wanted to say the picture looks as straight from the 50ies...

  3. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    @tasjarhodes - Thanks!
    @streuobst - Thanks? :D I just liked the glitch on the film and the glare :D
    @schugger - Thanks :D I was actually trying to make it look like the 70s, but... :D :D

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