After my LC-A+ had been broken for quite a while, I finally got it fixed and now I'm really happy to have it back and working. These are the pictures of the first roll of film after the repair.

2 Commenti

  1. briany
    briany ·

    Looks yummy! 😋

  2. milchtrinken
    milchtrinken ·

    @briany It was super yummy!
    And that café has been my favorite café for many years – it was just the best place to come to and have a piece of cake and a warming tea after a swim in the cold sea. But unfortunately the café had to close for good last fall, because the owners of the house in which the café was located decided not to extend the lease with the people who ran the café, but to sell the house to a greedy investor instead 😢💔

Altre foto di milchtrinken