From Russia with Love

A tribute to 50 years of James Bond movies, shot with Bucksprock 007 film... ;-) This is one of my favourite Lomographs because it was so much fun to make!

6 Commenti

  1. jeffr
    jeffr ·

    awesome film! great album!

  2. ehmahh
    ehmahh ·

    great album!

  3. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    Thanks, guys. And thanks to @annielibert whose awesome Russia photos I printed out for the collage in the background of this shot.

  4. clownshoes
    clownshoes ·

    Great shots man!

  5. alburnkat
    alburnkat ·

    A Big Like for the Whole Album. You are so clever. And after watching Bond movies all day Sunday I got a big laugh when I saw these last night, but was too tired to comment. Great Job my friend.

  6. grazie
    grazie ·


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