Honey, I shrunk the skater-chick!

First test roll with a Pentax SF7 bought from a charity store for £10 (the battery for it cost me £11.50!) and a Pentax SMC 50mm f1.7 prime lens bought on eBay for £35. The 'shrunken world' concept for this album was inspired by this great shot here: goo.gl/r73Rv

8 Commenti

  1. ohlordy
    ohlordy ·

    ha love it!

  2. earlybird
    earlybird ·

    wow!! great one!

  3. alexyz
    alexyz ·

    great idea!!!))))

  4. alicebee
    alicebee ·

    Awesome pic!

  5. gauthierdumonde
    gauthierdumonde ·

    Great !!

  6. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    Selected 30 May 2013: Thank you, @LSI...!

  7. ditchbitch
    ditchbitch ·


  8. eleonorepairet
    eleonorepairet ·

    great idea!

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