Haven't uploaded any photos to site in the longest time… though I'd come back with a bang: very first roll of Lomochrome Turquoise. Expectations were sky high, still debating how I feel about these. #Lomochrome #Turquoise #Mamiya #xpro #home dev

home lomochrome mamiya turquoise xpro
Turquoise for the win?

8 Commenti

  1. lomaugustry
    lomaugustry ·

    why are these so small ? is that the scanner?

  2. sandravo
    sandravo ·

    @lomaugustry - I guess it's the white border I leave around my photo's that makes them look smaller, but they are all close to the max allowed size limits (4Mb - 5000x3800pxls).

  3. gepo1303
    gepo1303 ·


  4. sandravo
    sandravo ·

    @gepo1303 Dankjewel George! Lijkt me een fijne film voor een verlaten treindepot... Deze zomer misschien 😉

  5. kangiha
    kangiha ·

    beautiful shot my friend, lovely, Cheers!

  6. vicuna
    vicuna ·

    great shot! But you know that the upload limit is now 10Mb ?

  7. sandravo
    sandravo ·

    @vicuna Thanks! Didn't know they upped the limit! Not sure I want to just hand them over my high res images for free though... They have used a few without credit for way too long, so 4MB will do for now 😉.

  8. mihaid4
    mihaid4 ·

    god, this is beautiful!

Altre foto di sandravo