
New Camera! :-) I could no longer withstand it, so I finally used my piggies and bought one. I´m not totally satisfied with this first roll, but at least some shots turned out ok. Funily the only shot under artificial light and shot in "B" is perfect exposed...

21 Commenti

  1. fartstorm
    fartstorm ·

    Great first roll!

  2. schugger
    schugger ·

    @fartstorm thanks dude! :-D

  3. candeeland
    candeeland ·

    Echt, tolles Album! Ich hoffe, ich bekomme meine SR auch bald zurück, ich habe die verliehen.

  4. schugger
    schugger ·

    @candee2104 danke sehr meine Liebe! Ja,jetzt ist eigentlich die richtige Zeit,viel sonne und so:-) Im Winter wird sie meist Staub ansetzen,denke ich...wie die andren Plastic Fantastics...

  5. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    LOVE my Sprocket Rockets as does anyone who owns them. They are amazing selfie cameras and all around my favorite Lomography creation hands down.

  6. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    Always love a selfie! Especially a big happy smile!

  7. smolda
    smolda ·

    Awesome! Enjoy your new Rocket, I do love mine, I bet you will love yours. :)

  8. schugger
    schugger ·

    @alienmeatsack @smolda thank you so much friends! I´m sure, I will make friends with my new blue toy :-D And keep on making smiling-selfies ;-)

  9. smolda
    smolda ·

    @schugger :-) I have the red one. :-D

  10. schugger
    schugger ·

    @smolda "Azure" was on sale ;-) and all colours blue are what I love anyway....

  11. smolda
    smolda ·

    :-) @schugger I know what you mean. My color is red. :-)

  12. schugger
    schugger ·

    @smolda maybe we should do a swap - it would become purple I believe :-)

  13. smolda
    smolda ·

    @schugger we should do that! :-)

  14. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    Great portrait!! And congrats on the Sprocket Rocket. It's one of my favorites :)

  15. schugger
    schugger ·

    @mafiosa thanks so much dear! Everybody keeps telling me I´m gonna love the Sprocket Rocket...I guess I´m almost convinced :-)

  16. roxyvonschlotterstein
    roxyvonschlotterstein ·

    Schön. Liebe meine Sprocket auch innigst. Wäre was für Herbst in L.O.N.D.O.N.

  17. schugger
    schugger ·

    @roxyvonschlotterstein ja,solange es etwas sonne gibt...;-)

  18. fotohelmut
    fotohelmut ·

    Ich liebe die "Sprocken" auch sehr -- tolles Album -- sicher eine tolle Kamera für den Dom!

  19. schugger
    schugger ·

    @fotohelmut stimmt,den Dom muss ich damit auch noch knipsen :-)

  20. emperornorton
    emperornorton ·

    Love this double. I love rocketing sprockets. I may take mine if I can squeeze it into the camera bag.

  21. schugger
    schugger ·

    @emperornorton thank you so much! My Sprocket Rocket finally stayed home, I couldn't carry any further camera...but I have the Horizon with me and can use 35mm film in my LC-A120 when I need sprockets :-D Fair deal,isn't it?:-)

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