From a friend a got a Leica R3 Electronic (which is based on the Minolta XE-1) and 2 Leica lenses for a test. The lenses have been a Leitz Canada Summicron-R 35mm f2 and a Leitz Canada Summicron-R 50mm f2. I used the camera in Baden on a city walk and took mostly architecture pictures. Later I saw that the camera had a problem with the light meter of one step to low (e.g. 1/250 instead of 1/125 sec). That means that all pictures were too dark. I tried to save some of them and at least the results are not so bad and you can at least imagine the quality of the lenses.

2 Commenti

  1. denizberkin
    denizberkin ·

    One stop underexposed worked in this case - the photo has an amazing dramatic and mysterious tone.

  2. worldwidewerder
    worldwidewerder ·

    Yes you are right. It worked on some of the pictures but I also had to adjust the light a lot in the Silverfast and DXO to get these results.

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