My first pictures of Japan. 🌋🗾🎌🗼 I received the first batch of my negatives yesterday, and it will take some time until I finish to scan the whole stuff ! So, let's start today with... the beginning, that is our flight to Japan from Roissy Airport to Tokyo Haneda, with a look on the Fuji-San in all its glory (we will never see him again after, due to the wet weather), and an dramatic approach of the airport right upon the Tokyo skyline ! It was as if the flight commander wanted to give us a glimpse of all we were about to visit... Awesome ! 🤩
Then, the trip to our hotel (near the Tokyto Dome, that's why there is a rollercoaster on the last pic). 😎
Must I say that I am very happy with the use of The Olympus Pen EE-3 ? I am in love with this camera ! 😍

2 Commenti

  1. steamtug1959
    steamtug1959 ·


  2. mackiechartres
    mackiechartres ·

    thank you @steamtug1959 ! I usually think about taking half format photos in pairs, but this time, it was chance that decided. The train and the roller coaster work well together !

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