Self portrait.

Loaded up some Ilford HP5+ sheet film in a few holders and took my Calumet and Toyo Optics view cameras out for a test drive. Developed in Arista Premium Liquid Developer (1 + 9) for 7 minutes. The film expired sometime in the early 90s. Suprised by the results to say the least. Double exposed to get the exposure right for the camera. Unfortunately was a little shaky getting due to a light tripod and a heavy camera.

4 Commenti

  1. nykonartist
    nykonartist ·

    Yeah! 4x5 ! I love my Tachihara and it's about all I want to shoot with any more. I broke down and bought the Yankee daylight tank and just wait until I have enough slides to fill it.

  2. northernsceneinsouthernlight
    northernsceneinsouthernlight ·

    @NYKONARTIST — Thank you for the comment. I love the lens on this. May see if I can fit it to a boss for my Crown Graphic so it is more portable. The cc-400 weighs a ton.

  3. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·

    dream camera to have. I remember in late 80s this Brazil telenovela was very famous in Indonesia, the title is Little Missy (Sinha Mocha). The end of the opening of the telenovela there is a scene where the photographer using Large format camera and covering his face then the blitz are blown with the fire

  4. northernsceneinsouthernlight
    northernsceneinsouthernlight ·

    @hervinsyah -- Thank you for sharing that little memory. And thank you for the comment. Have a great day.

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